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Professional learning community

HKCDEL was established under the auspices of the Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research (HKIER) in late 1998 as a major vehicle for advancing the practice, understanding, and development of leadership at all levels of education. Through working closely with practicing educational leaders, the Centre aims to provide quality research, development, and training activities for educational leaders in Hong Kong, the Asia-Pacific Region, and the wider international community. 

Programme on Legal Matters in the School Context for School Principals

Programme on Legal Matters in the School Context for School Principals (2017/18)
School principals are entrusted by their school sponsoring bodies to manage their schools as a legally-bound, negligence-free, cohesive, organic, conscientious, dynamic, caring, and supportive entities in which the rights of teachers and students are respected. To this end, the Programme on Legal Matters in the School Context for School Principals was designed as an introductory course for serving principals to understand various respects of law relevant to the school context and its implications for school administration. The programme sought not only to familiarize the principal participants with the essential legal concepts and relevant ordinances pertaining to school operations but also to help them develop a pro-effective-governance attitude as well as a risk management mindset. The programme further equipped the participants with legal knowledge to identify and tackle legal problems relating to negligence, student discipline and employment.

The Programme on Legal Matters in the School Context for School Principals in the 2017/18 School Year was organized by a joint unit under the auspice of The Chinese University of Hong Kong comprising the Faculty of Education, Department of Educational Administration and Policy and the Hong Kong Centre for the Development of Educational Leadership.

The programme aimed at achieving three major objectives: (1) To introduce to school principals various aspects of the law that has important bearing on school operation; (2) to probe into key issues in school education from the legal perspective; and (3) to gain insights into these key issues from the sharing of practical experiences of veteran school principals, particularly in better governance and risk management.

Professional Development Course for Secondary School Graduate Teachers 
(2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22)

This programme is recognized as a refresher training course for competent secondary school graduate teachers, with the primary aim of equipping them with the requisite knowledge and skills for their future roles as school middle managers. To be capable of being a middle manager in schools, both curricular and administrative knowledge is required and thus our course is designed to cover all those components. It is a tailor-made course designed for Graduate Masters/Mistresses (GM) in Aided secondary schools or Assistant Education Officers (AEO) in Government schools who would like to move forward as Senior Graduate Masters/Mistresses (SGM) or Education Officers (EO).

Capitalizing on the years of experience in designing and running the progamme purposely designed for secondary senior school administrators, we have developed and delivered the programme for the 2019/20, 2020/21, and 2021/2022 school years.

Structured Manager Training Programme
(2011/12, 2021/22)

Under the school-based management (SBM) spirit, aided schools are given more autonomy and greater funding flexibility to manage the operation and resources of the schools for the provision of quality education. In return, schools are expected to be more transparent and accountable for their operation, and key stakeholders should be involved in the decision-making process. As members of the incorporated management committees (IMCs), school supervisors and school managers play an important role in leading and steering the school for continuous development and improvement, as well as providing an all-around education for students.

The Education Bureau has commissioned HKCDEL to organize a total of 11 courses under Structured Manager Training Programmes, including 3 courses of Programme SV for school supervisors, as well as 2 courses of Programme A, 2 courses of Programme B (Part 1: School Governance) and 4 courses of Programme B (Parts 2A & 2B: Legal Matters) for school managers. 

All programmes A, B and SV aim at highlighting the meaningfulness of participatory school governance, fostering a positive attitude in serving as school managers/supervisors; and empowering school managers/supervisors to carry out their functions in school management more confidently and effectively.

Professional Vision and Growth of School Leaders

The Professional Vision and Growth of School Leaders Professional Development Programme is provided as one of the designated programmes in the Core Part of the enhanced training requirements for promotion to the posts of Senior Graduate Master/Mistress, Education Officer and Primary Master/Mistress.

As teachers enter the school management apex, they have to socialize with their new roles in schools as senior school administrators. Not only do they have to understand the knowledge in their specialized fields well, but they also have to acquire the management skills to assume an effective bridging role between the school principal and teachers and to steer the development of their teaching teams and schools.

The Programme serves the following purposes:

  • To widen participants’ perspectives on national and international education trends so as to stimulate strategic thinking and reflection on the opportunities and challenges facing education; and

  • To deepen participants’ understanding of national and international development so as to enhance their capability in facilitating student development

Leadership Development Programme for Middle Leaders of Primary School

The programme, which is built on a sound theoretical framework informed by research findings on the educational context in Hong Kong, is intended to equip middle leaders of primary schools with the theoretical and applied leadership knowledge, as well as the skills to assist school heads in managing and leading successfully in schools; to strengthen their confidence in applying the acquired knowledge and skills in their own school contexts; to enhance the professionalism and competence of middle leaders with the ultimate goal of improving students’ learning; and to bridge the gap between school heads and teachers. The programme is aimed at enhancing the competence of middle leaders of primary schools in the following aspects: 1) School Leadership and Administration, 2) Curriculum, Learning and Teaching, and 3) Student Support and Partnership.