On October 31, 2024, UNESCO launched the Global Education Monitoring Report 2024/5: Educational Leadership in Brazil. The Report is UNESCO's annual comprehensive report drawing on authoritative data monitoring and analysis across 160 countries, informing education policymaking worldwide.
Professor CHEN Shuangye from the Department of Education of East China Normal University, Professor QIAN Haiyan, Co-Director of our Centre, and Professor ZHENG Yulian from Guizhou Normal University collaboratively composed the report, School leadership in China: policy and practice. This report stood out among more than 100 applications and was accepted as one of the sixteen background reports of the 2024/25 GEM Report.
(Prof. CHEN Shuangye) (Prof. QIAN Haiyan) (Prof. ZHENG Yulian)
As the only report from the Chinese context, it outlines the professional practices and development trajectories of school leaders in China, the world's largest education system. The report also provides an overview of how Chinese school leaders positively impact the quality and equity of education. In addition to issues of general interest, such as school leadership practice, selection, preparation, and development in the Mainland, Hong Kong SAR, and Macau SAR, the report also sheds light on the active role of the female school leaders and career opportunities they're faced with. Overall, the report depicts a comprehensive and vivid landscape of school leadership in China for the world to see.
The report, School Leadership in China: Policies and Practices, adequately speaks to the scholarly impact of education research in China. These research findings considerably contribute to global education governance, making China's voice heard in influential global reports.